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Exceeding the city limit!!!IMPORTANT

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3 years ago
Jun 17, 2021, 2:48:10 PM

The game situation is as follows: I had 2 cities available for staging, and I captured 2 more barbarian cities. I got 4/2 of the available cities as a result of which I began to lose culture points, it was 40 accumulated, and -40 per turn. The result is a situation from which it is impossible to get out, because in order to increase the limit, you need to adopt the appropriate policies to increase the city limit, but I cannot accept them !!! If anyone knows how to expand the population limit counter without civic, tell me (I know that there is a nation that gives + 2 to the city limit, but this is not an option).

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3 years ago
Jun 17, 2021, 2:58:14 PM

I'm sorry to say but I think thats intended, you are supposed to get punished for overextending. You need to liberate them from the city menu or rase them.

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3 years ago
Jun 17, 2021, 3:12:17 PM
Zyrica wrote:

I'm sorry to say but I think thats intended, you are supposed to get punished for overextending. You need to liberate them from the city menu or rase them.

How can I destroy the city? Is there such a button? And the civic that gives +1 to the limit does not save me, because the cities are 4 \ 2

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3 years ago
Jun 17, 2021, 3:31:25 PM

There are certain technologies that give you +1 city cap: City cap sources

Not sure if that wikipedia link is 100% accurate up to this beta but its been pretty close for everything else I've searched it for.

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3 years ago
Jun 17, 2021, 3:45:50 PM
CristataC wrote:

There are certain technologies that give you +1 city cap: City cap sources

Not sure if that wikipedia link is 100% accurate up to this beta but its been pretty close for everything else I've searched it for.

Civic can be accepted if there is a sufficient amount of culture, and I already have a negative value, I will attach the picture below

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3 years ago
Jun 17, 2021, 4:06:16 PM
zabiaka101 wrote:

The picture does not appear for me. If others have the same problem you might need to try again.

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3 years ago
Jun 17, 2021, 4:07:54 PM
zabiaka101 wrote:
Zyrica wrote:

I'm sorry to say but I think thats intended, you are supposed to get punished for overextending. You need to liberate them from the city menu or rase them.

How can I destroy the city? Is there such a button? And the civic that gives +1 to the limit does not save me, because the cities are 4 \ 2

You have units plunder the main plaza/city center.

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3 years ago
Jun 17, 2021, 6:23:49 PM
zabiaka101 wrote:

The game situation is as follows: I had 2 cities available for staging, and I captured 2 more barbarian cities. I got 4/2 of the available cities as a result of which I began to lose culture points, it was 40 accumulated, and -40 per turn. The result is a situation from which it is impossible to get out, because in order to increase the limit, you need to adopt the appropriate policies to increase the city limit, but I cannot accept them !!! If anyone knows how to expand the population limit counter without civic, tell me (I know that there is a nation that gives + 2 to the city limit, but this is not an option).

I believe you should be able to destroy cities you control via a unit's Ransack ability. You can also choose to Liberate the cities to be Independent People via the All Cities and Outposts button at the top-right.

In the wider scope, a similar issue happened to me in one of my first games. I hadn't even noticed the city cap until I'd gone 3/2 and was trying to figure out why my influence had dropped to nearly nothing. I don't feel the game really communicates to you any sort of warning, let alone a popup effectively advising you, "if you do this your game will come to a crashing halt" in a manner that reflects just how devastating it can be.

Actually, I feel expansion penalties are very badly communicated in general and extremely poor with regards to how detrimental they can be to your empire. I think ideally any time I look to attach an outpost or create a city I should get some direct communication showing me any significant changes in Stability thresholds that action would take. 

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3 years ago
Jun 17, 2021, 6:31:22 PM

I understand Humankind will be moddable.  Hopefully someone will create a mod to raise the city cap.  At the moment wide play is basically impossible.

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3 years ago
Jun 17, 2021, 6:38:10 PM

Liberation is done in the "All cities and outposts" right side menu.

To destroy a city just bring one of your units to ransak it, can be done even on your own cities.

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3 years ago
Jun 17, 2021, 6:40:21 PM

I forget what it's called, but there's a trait that increases city cap, similar to Stellaris and it's city cap. It stops people from expanding so quickly so early on and slows down and sort of evens out the playing field. There definitely is a trait that increases city cap, I'm just not sure of the name. I remember I had a city cap of 2 then went up to 3, so it's not impossible again I just forget the name of the trait

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3 years ago
Jun 17, 2021, 7:09:45 PM
Jeriah wrote:
zabiaka101 wrote:

The game situation is as follows: I had 2 cities available for staging, and I captured 2 more barbarian cities. I got 4/2 of the available cities as a result of which I began to lose culture points, it was 40 accumulated, and -40 per turn. The result is a situation from which it is impossible to get out, because in order to increase the limit, you need to adopt the appropriate policies to increase the city limit, but I cannot accept them !!! If anyone knows how to expand the population limit counter without civic, tell me (I know that there is a nation that gives + 2 to the city limit, but this is not an option).

I believe you should be able to destroy cities you control via a unit's Ransack ability. You can also choose to Liberate the cities to be Independent People via the All Cities and Outposts button at the top-right.

In the wider scope, a similar issue happened to me in one of my first games. I hadn't even noticed the city cap until I'd gone 3/2 and was trying to figure out why my influence had dropped to nearly nothing. I don't feel the game really communicates to you any sort of warning, let alone a popup effectively advising you, "if you do this your game will come to a crashing halt" in a manner that reflects just how devastating it can be.

Actually, I feel expansion penalties are very badly communicated in general and extremely poor with regards to how detrimental they can be to your empire. I think ideally any time I look to attach an outpost or create a city I should get some direct communication showing me any significant changes in Stability thresholds that action would take. 

I agree, sometimes I add an outpost to a city and my food production goes negative... that's upsetting!

About the city limit I did a game where I had 9 cities for a maximum of 4.

It wasn't an issue because I had a lot of culture points but I'm more careful now when I get new cities.

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3 years ago
Jun 17, 2021, 7:38:27 PM
wallacer wrote:

I understand Humankind will be moddable.  Hopefully someone will create a mod to raise the city cap.  At the moment wide play is basically impossible.

You can paradoxically go wide with a single city: Attached outposts contribute to the city they're attached to, and garrison districts allow you to deploy troops to those outposts.

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3 years ago
Jun 17, 2021, 9:27:09 PM
Yunru750 wrote:
wallacer wrote:

I understand Humankind will be moddable.  Hopefully someone will create a mod to raise the city cap.  At the moment wide play is basically impossible.

You can paradoxically go wide with a single city: Attached outposts contribute to the city they're attached to, and garrison districts allow you to deploy troops to those outposts.

Yeah I don't feel wide isn't a viable option. In my current game (turn 85) I've just established my 4th city and attached the first of three outposts to it. That brings my current active regions to 13, with 2 more to come online in the next two turns. Yeah they're all managed through a single hub, but I vastly prefer being able to manage (and pool production from) several nodes through a four single hubs that pump things out in a couple turns rather than have a full dozen nodes that only produce something every dozen turns.

In fact it's such a great idea that I think it would be fantastic to see in other games. Specifically imagining Stellaris's sectors doing the same thing, which I think would really help the micromanagement and be a real reason to use sectors.

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3 years ago
Jun 19, 2021, 1:07:56 PM

techs can raise the city cap, and if you have enough influence income you can go over the cap quite a bit. Also, each city should easily be able to support at least 1 outpost attached, if not more. So can can be very wide with just 3/4 cities easily and that's just early game.

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