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Mixed Adjacency Bonuses - Where Did They Go?

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3 years ago
Jun 18, 2021, 10:54:01 PM
Older versions of Humankind had a few interesting quarters and infrastructures that came with mixed adjacency bonuses; specifically:
  • The Food Market gave Market Quarters extra money for adjacent Farmers Quarters
  • Research Quarters got extra science for adjacent Makers Quarters

Unfortunately, those were changed in the Closed Beta to provide only single-type bonuses (i.e. all money, or all science), removing the fun that you'd get out of cleverly matching complementary districts.

I really enjoyed those mixed bonuses since they enabled much more interesting city building gameplay. Instead of mindlessly paving a region with copies of the same district, those mixed bonuses would encourage you to break up the monotony and build dual- or multi-purpose zones in a territory. The district variety also made in-game cities look much more appealing.

While several Emblematic Districts do still offer mixed bonuses (my favourite is the Babylonian Astronomy House), we can only build one of those per territory; the rest of a city will just consist of blobs of the same district.

I was actually hoping to see even more mixed bonuses (perhaps through more advanced infrastructures down the tech tree). Since we're close to release, however, even reintroducing mixed bonuses to the Food Market and Research Quarters might be enough for now - a small ask to restore some of the fun that came with city building.

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3 years ago
Jun 19, 2021, 12:37:39 AM

I really enjoyed these mixed adjacencies seen in prior opendevs. It really made cities more diverse then just clusters of the same type of quarters. 

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