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3 years ago
Jun 19, 2021, 3:34:59 AM

Hi to the Devs,

I couldnt write this in the survey so i'm writing it here, 

I enjoyed the the beta very much, however i was not able to play in the same manner i enjoy due to the turn limit of 200, but thats not a major issue, so for easy i will now layout in an easy format of what I found to be my biggest issues thought i hope this is because its not full release,

  1. The AI would continually try to send the same Diplomatic request every turn if you asked it add money, it would never send any money, but when i sent a request it always asked for money, 
  2. The AI would sation units in side my citys thus forcing me either create my own units in another city and move them over or build a fort to spawn those units near by, and the only way in which to remove say AI unit out of my cities was to declear war, if at all possible it would be nice if the was a way in which i could remove AI units out of my cities without war.
  3. I found the unit movement speed to be a pain it was no issue with the game just that it was slow, i hope that there is a setting the game menu to some how speed thus up, like in CIV VI where you turn off moment animation and the units move instantiatus.
  4. The stability function is pretty good but it would be nice if there where more buildings that gave stab or the current ones gave a bit more as I end up build TONS of fort just to keep stab at a good level.

Again thanks for the beta it was Awesome Sauce with some Ubber cheader in the mix, i dont know if these comments are helpful but i hope they will be, cant wait for release.

Your Sincerely,


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