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A couple of bugs or annoyances that seem to happen in relatively specific circumstances

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3 years ago
Jun 19, 2021, 12:00:00 PM

Scenario 1. A unit can be upgraded, but you lack the resource needed to upgrade. A tutorial popup for disbanding is displayed, that can't be clicked away, and it's obscuring the upgrade icon. This is extremely unhelpful and annoying, especially because the tutorial popup can't be closed except by hiding ALL linked tutorials, what? So either disband the unit, or close all linked tutorials, what if I don't want either?

Scenario 2. Nation A is my ally. Nation A is at war with Nation B. I demand Nation B to surrender to my ally. Nation B does not surrender. Nation B loses and becomes the vassal of Nation A.

I can now no longer trade with nation B for the rest of the game, because despite being a vassal to my ally, and therefore being my ally, the trade screen claims we have a hostile relationship and therefore can't trade. It seems the war never ended, because we weren't the ones ending the war.

Scenario 3. Not sure what triggers this exactly but units/armies sometimes become invisible after a battle or even after a battle preview. Save an reload fixes this.

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3 years ago
Jun 19, 2021, 12:58:23 PM

Scenario 4. When forcing surrender, if you pillaged the outposts of regions that were a part of your demands, you HAVE to demand those regions, which costs war support. Even though those regions are completely abandoned now. This actually prevented me from vassalizing the opponent even though I have like 200 war support or something (150 was needed). But I had so many demands that I could not drop, of which many were completely irrelevant because all those regions were burned to ashes.

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3 years ago
Jun 19, 2021, 2:04:48 PM

Has anyone come across a bug that causes the entire game to continuously shift left? I finished playing last night and upon loading my save file this morning, the game permanently and continuously shifts left as if I am pressing the left/up directional keys or W & A. I thought this bug was just affecting my current game file, so I started a new game and the same bug persisted, I'm currently re-installing as I think this is my only option at this point. I tried opening menus, clicking on settlements, moving units, going into the civ/tech trees, anything to see if it would stop the shift but nothing seemed to have worked. The only thing I can think of that I did "incorrectly" was to exit the game via alt-F4 instead of exiting to desktop via the game menu. 

(Re)-Update [Problem Solved!]: I have found the source. A controller will cause movement problems. The controller causes upper left movement even if the controller is off/not in use, and even if the sticks are not being moved. Just having it plugged in is enough to cause this issue. I admit it's a pretty dumb mistake for me to make, but if you come across this issue, make sure to unplug your controller.

TLDR: Unplug your controller if not in use, it can cause movement issues.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jun 19, 2021, 8:56:36 PM
kyler122 wrote:

Has anyone come across a bug that causes the entire game to continuously shift left? I finished playing last night and upon loading my save file this morning, the game permanently and continuously shifts left as if I am pressing the left/up directional keys or W & A. I thought this bug was just affecting my current game file, so I started a new game and the same bug persisted, I'm currently re-installing as I think this is my only option at this point. I tried opening menus, clicking on settlements, moving units, going into the civ/tech trees, anything to see if it would stop the shift but nothing seemed to have worked. The only thing I can think of that I did "incorrectly" was to exit the game via alt-F4 instead of exiting to desktop via the game menu. 

(Re)-Update [Problem Solved!]: I have found the source. A controller will cause movement problems. The controller causes upper left movement even if the controller is off/not in use, and even if the sticks are not being moved. Just having it plugged in is enough to cause this issue. I admit it's a pretty dumb mistake for me to make, but if you come across this issue, make sure to unplug your controller.

TLDR: Unplug your controller if not in use, it can cause movement issues.

yeah continuous scrolling in one direction is usually an issue with either a controller actually giving input, or the game incorrectly interpreting a connected controller as input.

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