Some of the most frustrating aspects about the beta were the glaring accessibility and UI issues. While I'd say I enjoyed the beta alright, there were just some things that seemed like massive oversights that I figured I'd mention - not trying to rag on the game, but almost every modern 4X or strategy game has these options and they are key to the experience. 

Ranked from game-breaking to very annoying:

  1. As far as I could find, there were no colorblindness options. I'll chalk it up to the closed beta but this is something that would absolutely need to be resolved if I were to play this game again. I have red-green colorblindness and I had trouble with several things - one was the non-distinct culture colors, I think in my game yellow, chartreuse, and light orange were all colors used. The "primary type of output" display was not easy to read, just use big icons instead! The color changing when going to the battle screens are really difficult to read. In general, the visuals of the game also kind of have a weird hazy quality (this has been consistent through the open devs) and I have trouble distinguishing things. Light colors that are all shades of one another are super hard to read - add more accessibility menus with big obvious icons and add a colorblind mode. 
  2. No mini-map in the HUD!!!!!
  3. No quick movement for units or ways to turn off battle/move animations. When I say quick movement, I mean I tell a unit to move somewhere there is no animation and it just jumps to a spot, not a "fast" animation. In terms of accessibility, anything that can speed up gameplay for people who don't have a lot of time (or just want to get through a game quick) is much appreciated. Turning off animations can also help performance. 
  4. Unit movement should be completed before I can take my next turn; I'm starting my turn and enemy units are still moving around. 
  5.  A big lack of map options in general. Take a cue from Paradox and just add a ton of map modes. Some people won't use them and it won't affect the game, others it makes all the difference.
  6. Icons that don't need to be huge are huge and take up tons in room (civics, religion, most of the pictures) while I find a lot of the text to be way too small.
  7. The notification bar is not a good way to communicate info. The pictures take up way to much room on the screen while the actual description/lettering is way too small, and there's no way to scan them quickly. Also, cities gaining or losing population does not require a notification. 
  8. No (clear) way to fast upgrade units or "upgrade all". Also, if you switch to the upgrade screen for units it obscures the second row.
  9. No "pin" feature like in Civ 6.
While the colorblindness problem is the only make-or-break issue here, the other issues are severe limitations in the game as it is. I have no doubt all these can be fixed or patched in, although I am concerned that some of these would be relatively large changes.