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Feedback: GPU crash during gameplay and now GPU needs replacement

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3 years ago
Jun 20, 2021, 4:32:20 PM

I was playing the closed beta yesterday morning when the computer monitor went completely black and the computer fan went to full speed. After waiting, I ultimately had to perform a forcecd reboot at which point I noticed horizontal green lines all across my monitor which is persistent. It appears now the Nvidia Geforce GTX 1080 driver is not working (Code 43). I a have been completely unsucessful with troubleshooting (power cycling, disabling and re-enabling the driver, updating the driver, uninstalling the driver, uninstalling GeForce, updating windows, checking for BIOS updates, restoring to prior restore point, reformatting computer).

I have had some Humankind game crashes but nothing requiring a computer restart or this... very sad time to need to replace a GPU.It sounds like this has also happened to several other beta testers which is just crazy.

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3 years ago
Jun 20, 2021, 8:54:35 PM

Green lines are a sure sign of fried GPU. I hope it's a coincidence only, but could be related to the overheating reports. Was your GPU overheating when playing the beta?

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