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Please make the Beta a bit longer

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3 years ago
Jun 20, 2021, 11:38:46 PM

Hey there dear Devs

Please make the Closed Beta a bit longer esp. since its the last one. I played everyone and i really would like to play this one aswell and give some feedback but due summertime (always busy workwise) i haven't been able to play at all. I would really apprechiate the make this whole thing a bit longer at best till mid July since works really much attm but yeah at least a week so may i can play one game (i'm not gonna play when i'm tired i want to actually give usefull feedback and not just spam). 

Thanks for reading my 5 cents


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3 years ago
Jun 21, 2021, 12:24:08 AM

I did a complete 200 turn run focusing heavily on science, still didn't manage to even reach a single industrial era tech.

I came pretty close. 

I am not great at this game, but most of us aren't because we only had a few opportunities to play it. (and in my case i'm fairly busy so even during the betas I can't really play as much as I want to). 

In this particular run, I was doing pretty well until turn 130 or so I got attacked and from there it was hard to rebuild, which delayed me a lot. I also focused so hard on science that everything else suffered. Also with more experience I may have found a more effective build to have more science (and maybe a bit more balance in my empire). 

However 200 turns just doesn't seem enough to reach industrial, and it makes me worried about the intended 300 turn limit for the game. It's not enough, not nearly enough to experience the whole game.

I felt like a rushed like crazy, not even really being able to enjoy the progression of the ages, and STILL did not make it.

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3 years ago
Jun 21, 2021, 3:23:17 PM

Yeah, I agree with Ice and Zimmah.

I only started a second play through after doing a war one, this time focusing on science. I got pretty addicted to this game but got to try the Closed Beta Wednesday. I believe like a week-long isn't enough. I've been doing a bit of reading on Steam forums and here to see if there is any correlation with anyone reaching the full tech tree playing legit within 200 turns being a limit. Some people claim they have others said it's nearly impossible. Who knows? I would like to see the beta being extended by a couple more days at least. Hoping I can finish my current run and provide feedback on the survey.

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3 years ago
Jun 21, 2021, 3:32:55 PM

Agreed. I played what I could this past week but it was really just enough to gain a very basic understanding of the game.

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3 years ago
Jun 21, 2021, 4:02:56 PM

I agree that the Closed Beta should be extended.  To my mind there are two learning curves going on.  First is understanding what is available and how things work.  Second is the relative importance ("weight") of these elements in order to effectively strategize.  There is simply too much (in a good way!) to assimilate all of that and become relatively competent in such a limited Beta.  Just my two cents.  (To be honest, one of the first things that was holding me back in really grasping concepts in Humankind was that I was trying to play Civ.  Once I set aside my Civ preconceptions and experience I was finally able to begin truly experiencing Humankind and begin developing a sense of how things work together and how to strategize.)

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3 years ago
Jun 21, 2021, 10:58:22 PM

I agree with this sentiment... as a working adult, sometimes there just isn't a chance to carve out time to play a game like this in any given week. I'm not sure what the average time to complete a 200 turn game is, but for someone new I suspect it would be above 10 hrs. Unfortunately I spent a lot of time learning new features and forgot the beta was ending today, so I left my game unfinished at turn 115 last night. 

I respect that the developers have reasons for doing it this way, but just want express that it was kind of a bummer realizing that this beta closed today.

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