
I won't comment on balance and gameplay, because well, I only made one run.

And sorry for my non native english !

Bugs :

- We can see units through fog of war by "attacking" them.

- I was once stuck in the 'Waiting for confirmation' battle dialog. Had to reload a save.

- There is a big lag in voice messages during treaties proposals.

UI suggestions :

- Notifications (bottom right) : Empire changing mind should specify trend, Ransacking should specify loot value.

- Empire badges (top left) : should provide more information in tooltip (Empire name, opinion and diplomatic situation).

- Empire badges : when acknowledging a diplomatic notification in diplomacy screen, red notification on Empire badge should be automatically cleared.

- Empires list : know in what Era Empires are.

- Map : we should be able to see movement path before clicking to commit (like in battle).

- Map : Natural Wonder icons.

- Map : Resource icons are too big (predominately when zoomed out).

- Map : City banner too big when zoomed out (hard to see districts beneath).

- Map : a population trend would be nice on city banner.

- City view : a Districts tab, and ability to revoke them.

- City view : buyout cost in tooltip.

- City view : unit spawn location in city (if Garrison in territory) is not accessible when a unit is parked in the city.

- Diplomacy screen : if opened from notification, right-clicking cycles through all notifications instead of just closing the screen.

- Diplomacy screen : hard to see the map to make decisions about territories during a War resolution.

- Diplomacy screen : we should be able to withdraw demands individually.

GG, keep up the good work !

Edit: I didn't realize I could hold right mouse button to see unit pathing... silly me !