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3 years ago
Jun 21, 2021, 3:45:05 PM

Fix boat loading/unloading, right now I have to tell the soldiers to do nothing for every turn, you should be able to right click onto water and the game understand you're 'waiting'  for you next turn automatically.

Make the zoomed out land look more earth-like with drifting clouds and an overall blue haze.

Localized weather patterns would add a lot, like heat coming off of desert areas and local rainstorms.

I think ya'll are but zooming in closer would also be nice


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3 years ago
Jun 21, 2021, 3:58:02 PM

> Make the zoomed out land look more earth-like with drifting clouds and an overall blue haze.

This would be a mistake. Firstly, the game already crashes on minimum specs and has poor performance on recommended specs, which this change would probably exacerbate. Secondly, the zoomed-out mode is the substitute for a minimap. It's bad enough having to slowly scroll looking for places; I don't want to have to scroll even more slowly with some places obscured.

> Localized weather patterns would add a lot, like heat coming off of desert areas and local rainstorms.

Firstly,this makes little sense in the main game, where each turn represents years or decades. It might make sense within battle mode. Secondly, see my comments above about performance.

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3 years ago
Jun 21, 2021, 6:48:21 PM

This is a fun game, and I heartily congratulate the developers. Here's a few problems I encountered while playing as well as a suggestion on one issue:

Link Food production or city health (nutrition) to the strength of a civ's armies

Use Dogmatism vs Skepticism instead of linking religion to tradition and science to progress (VERY IMPORTANT: I have a graduate degree in Science and Religion and some ideas presented, like that I mentioned, perpetuate a false narrative of the historical relationship of science and religion)

For some reason, the harbor district provided seemingly ridiculous amounts of science and food - at least, I noticed it in the early modern era as Joseon

Problem with embarked soldiers having to be "skipped" in order for next turn to progress, even if directed to a distant spot / in route

"Close to Defeat" announcement erroneously appears when growing in friendship with another nation

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