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Feedback / suggestion: Map and Terrain

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3 years ago
Jun 22, 2021, 7:23:59 PM

I wasn't sure where to drop the feedback on those two aspects, which is why I'm making this thread.

Overall I really enjoy the map, particularly its plateaus, mountains and valleys. All open devs maps have been really interesting and if the map generator can produce that type of map reliably, it's going to be great.

With that said there are a few points that, I think, would contribute to creating an even better exploration and expansion experience:

Generic Resources: 

The map could use more "generic resources" that add point of interests to various territories. It already does that with thermal vents, caves, oasis, etc. but:

  1. they don't always stand out visually (especially things like "pink earth"(?) or caves)
  2. their bonuses are not always significantly higher than regular tiles (especially science outputs which seems to have been reduced between betas)
I think they should:
  1. be more varied, with things like wheat, rice, corn, game, fish, for food, ancient forests / rare minerals for production, semi precious gemstones / furs / for gold
  2. have more noticeable visuals and, if possible, have a sort of unique model when it is being worked by a city/outpost
  3. have more noticeable bonuses, high enough to warrant settling near them (but low enough not to be overpowered)
Natural wonders and Landmarks:
  1. Give natural wonders some adjacency bonuses and production values rather than generic influence/stability boost so that players have a good reason to settle near them. This could be done with adjacency to districts or outposts or just as a boost to nearby holy sites (and/or national park if that's a thing in later eras?)
  2. Landmarks could be more integrated in the gameplay as well, for example they could also have a form of adjacency bonus or be a perfect location to place some of the rarer "generic" resources.
Make the coasts more interesting:
  1. Cities and outposts should be able to exploit water tiles (seas and lakes), at the very least for their food value. Their yields could also improve based on potential "generic" resources and technologies (like +1 food with fishing for example).
  2. Coastal lands are quite under-used currently and they would provide a good opportunity for original unique districts and other cultural traits, like, for example an influence bonus for the Phoenicians/Carthaginians culture if they have a city on coastal land or things like that.  
The Volcano Gamble:
  1. Generic volcanoes (in addition to natural wonders) would be a great addition to the game. 
  2. They could be high reward / high risk areas with better than average food and industry at the risk of triggering an "eruption" event that would destroy nearby districts and reduce the population
As I said, I really like the map as they are now, so those suggestions would obviously not be high priority but I think they could make some nice additions in post release updates.
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3 years ago
Jun 22, 2021, 8:35:06 PM

My thoughts aswell, I really want to see more valuable generic features that actually affect both Distric placement and combat. 
Volcanoes could be very cool, addin bonuses to science for adjacent science districs.  
Some stuff like coral reefs could give aditional food and science to the adjacent harbors and like Undernier mentioned rice and corn could give bonus food or money to farm or market disticts. Also I would REALLY love if the city improvements were more engaging, like Food Market granting bonuses if you have Rice, corn, etc... under your city's territory. Furthermore it would be interesting to see resources affect the Religion tenants for example a tenant for incense and so on.
In general I feel the game lacks a lot of depth and having a more engaging terrain could very much add depth to the game in various areas. 

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3 years ago
Jun 22, 2021, 11:53:37 PM

I bet that more varied terrain features are implemented for map generation, and we just didn’t see them, so that everybody had a fairly similar gameplay experience. I have absolutely NOTHING to base that statement on, other than it makes sense, and we know that these maps were purpose built for generating feedback (whilst providing us all the same map experience each time).

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