Stability - There is only 2 ways to reliably generate Stability. Spamming Garrisons or Commons Quarters, or ignoring Stability target and keeping Stability up with the Builder or Agrarian passive. (Also, the amount of stability lost from each district is too much, causing you to drop from max to mutinous in only 7 districts) 

  • The Builder and Agrarian passive have to be changed, since it is essentially an exploit allowing you to ignore stability, as long as you can build a district every 2 turns or grow a pop once per turn, while having the corresponding affinity. Either reduce the amount of instant stability, change it to a temporary buff to target stability, or replace it with something else altogether. Upping the rate of trending/evolution of stability from 5 per turn to 10 could also help.

Different opposing changes:

  • Add more sources for stability.
  • Limit stability generation by removing the stability from Garrisons and Commons. Stability now acts as a cap.

Stability right now is mainly consumed by Districts and attached territories. What consumes Stability could also be changed. For example, one could:

  • Change the penalty for being over city cap from Influence to Stability in all cities. That would make it more punishing, and fit with the attached territories penalty.
  • Remove the penalty from districts, and rely on Industry cost scaling to cap building them. This would also fix the issue of Stability being used to cap districts, yet the main way of solving stability being building more districts.
  • Add a stability penalty for Infrastructures. This forces players to be more selective in which ones they build.

District Adjacency - Self-Adjacency is dull and discourages putting districts next to districts of a different type. Possible changes:

  • Limit self-adjacency by only giving a bonus for the first of the same type of district adjacent. n=1 is too small, and allows maxed out self-adjacency with just 2 districts. 2 has the same issue, except it requires a triangle of districts. 3 is decent, raises it to require a hexagon. With 4, it is impossible to have a configuration where all districts have maximum self-adjacency, without wrapping around the entire map.
  • Remove self-adjacency, and replace it with other forms of adjacency, like how previously Scientist's Quarters got a bonus from Maker's, and Merchant from Farmers.
  • Remove self-adjacency, and replace it with varied placement bonuses. A substitute for self-adjacency that still encourages clustering could be +1 Industry for each Maker's Quarter the largest cluster of Maker's Quarters in the city. Another could be +1 Money on Market Quarters for each Artisan's Quarter roads (which are changed so you can manually build them). There could also be negative placement effects, for example, Coal Power Plant, could apply -1 Food to Farmer's Quarters per adjacent Maker's, to represent pollution.

Infrastructure - Quite a few Infrastructures were vastly underpowered in the Closed Beta. There's also the lesser issue of there inherently being little strategy in building them. You either spend the Industry, or you don't. No deciding where to place it, or whether it is worth the downsides, or whether you should build should X mutually exclusive thing instead.

  • They need to be balanced, with many of them needing to be buffed. The flat bonuses (i.e. +yield on Main Plaza) should be changed to scale (with the exception of the flat stability Infrastructures), among other things.

Other possible changes:

  • Mutually exclusive Infrastructures: Infrastructures that give similar bonuses could be made mutually exclusive, forcing the player to consider which one they want.
  • Infrastructures could have downsides, for example, stability or money upkeep, or specific downsides depending on the Infrastructure

Public Ceremonies (Repeatables) - High Industry cost for a tiny amount of some other yield, which can almost certainly be easily beaten by building a district instead. Even when the yields per Industry beats building districts due to cost scaling, it's still tiny, and can be ignored with little consequence. Really the only thing notable is running Parade once so your units start with one level of Veterancy. Possible changes:

  • Increase the yields
  • Change the some of the bonuses to scale. For example: Symposium could be changed from +5 Science to +5% Science, Trade Fair could give +2 Money on Trade Routes.