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Korea-Japan Huge map mod

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3 years ago
Aug 21, 2021, 2:08:52 PM

First of all, I'm not good at English, so please forgive me for speaking with Google Translate.

How to install?

1. Download .hmap files




( _Huge8.hmap files are started by 4 players in Korea and 4 players in Japan. And the _Kor3Jap5.hmap  file starts with 3 players from Korea and 5 players from Japan.)

2. Move .hmap files to

(If you don't have a Maps folder, create one!)

3. Start new game, and check custom map.

Mod features


And Japan

In one map!

And, as we all know, the Earth is round.

So if you keep going from Hokkaido, you can reach Korea.


And this mod has the following balancing points:

1. Occupying 5 adjacent territories including the starting point will give you a sufficient amount of strategic resources.

(2 Horse/ 2 Copper / 2 Iron / 2 Saltpetre / 2 Coal / 1 Oil / 1 Aluminum / 1 Uranium for each players)

This avoids a silly bug in vanilla games where even if you rule the globe, you can't run your tanks due to running out of oil.

2. To solve an issue where naval forces would not be able to siege when the coastline is completely filled with city blocks, 

all islands and provinces have a single wasteland attached to them.

(This might be annoying, but think of it as a kind of landing pad to prevent silly bugs!)

Starting as-is in single-player mode, players start out in the Tokyo region.

If you would like to start from a different starting point, briefly activate online mode (red circle in the photo) and press the join button to enter the desired spot.

* _Huge8.hmap mod

1Tokyo 2Osaka 3Kyushu 4Gwangju 5Daegu 6Hokkaido 7Seoul 8Pyongyang

** _Kor3Jap5.hmap mod

1Tokyo 2Osaka 3Kyushu 4Tohoku 5Daegu 6Hokkaido 7Seoul 8Pyongyang

(The number above means that the first player will start in that area.)

Mod pictures




Daegu and Gyeongsang-do

(-do means province in Korean)

Gwangju and Jeolla-do


Seoul (+Gyeonggi-do) and Gangwon-do

Pyongyang and North Korea


Thank you for enjoying the mod!

If you have any other questions, suggestions, or errors, please let us know!



 The starting point of Pyongyang has been moved further north.

(To solve the problem that the AI started in Pyongyang moved south and built the first city)

+ Huge8 map bugfix

 Fixed a bug that prevented access to Hamgyeong-do (a province in North Korea)

(The issue didn't happen on a 3:5 map.)


 Nerf Seoul and Gyeonggi-do provinces.

(Removed 2 food modifiers, slightly reduced territory size.)

 Fixed a bug that could not enter some provinces in North Korea. (really)

 Widening the territorial waters of areas whose territorial waters are narrower than other areas.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Aug 24, 2021, 9:22:25 PM

재미있어보입니다 잘쓰겠습니다 

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