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Help - I've made a horrible mistake

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3 years ago
Aug 29, 2021, 2:44:53 AM

I've made a horrible mistake.

So apparently the start position when you create a new map in the editor, or at least when i created one, isn't centered. As such, my map is now off-center, making the map unplayable if world wrap is off. If there is any way to shift the map several tiles without completely remaking it in order to center it, that would be wonderful, but unfortunately I have not found a method to do so.

If anyone has any suggestions on how to possibly solve this conundrum, that would be great. Otherwise, I don't know what I should do moving forward without spending another ~20 hours remaking my map.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Aug 31, 2021, 12:19:09 AM

It's possible you could export the height map by following this tutorial ( https://www.games2gether.com/amplitude-studios/humankind/forums/214-maps/threads/44409-mini-howto-export-elevation-map?page=1 ) and then edit it in gimp or paint to be centered properly, then create a new map and import the centered height map. You'd have to redo a lot of the map but that should at least save time with not having to remake the terrain. 

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3 years ago
Sep 10, 2021, 5:43:46 PM

Yeah, it should definitely be cool if you could select part of the map and fully move it to a new position. Sometimes I want to move part of my huge Earth map but it would be re-doing a lot of stuff.

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3 years ago
Sep 19, 2021, 1:04:15 PM
tortoises wrote:
I ended up just placing new elevation and stuff line by line, but this is a really useful tool that you've made that I will most definitely use in the future.

I added to possibility to offset maps in v0.51

For example I used to it to fix the RomaEmpire map:



You can download it on github.

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