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2 ways to get 10 players on your custom maps

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3 years ago
Sep 20, 2021, 10:43:59 AM


Playing a Huge Earth map with only 8 players felt a little empty, so I investigated how to get 10 players working on custom maps and I will describe 2 ways to get it working on your own maps.

1) The old-school way (using winzip and notepad):

Add or edit <Item> entries in Save.hms and make sure the flags are correctly set to make them 9 or 10 players valid spawns.

For each item, the <Flags> encodes 1 << player counter:

1 player1 (0x0001)
2 players2 (0x0002)
3 players4 (0x0004)
4 players8 (0x0008)
5 players16 (0x0010)
6 players32 (0x0020)
7 players64 (0x0040)
8 players128 (0x0080)
9 players256 (0x0100)
10 players512 (0x0200)

You just need to add those values for the player count you want:

ie. 512 + 256 + 128 = 896, meaning that this coordinate will be used as a spawn point for 10, 9, or 8 players

Then simply edit the Descriptor.hmd file and edit <EmpireCount>

2) The easy way (using only bhkmap):

- Run bhkmap >= 0.52
- Import your map, 
- In the "Spawn" tab edit you already existing spawns for 8 players so that they can also work for 9 or 10 players (if you wanna create new ones, skip this part it's just to go faster)

- In the "Display" tab display the spawns for 10 players. You should already have 8 if you've done the previous step:

- Click "Add spawn point" twice, and flag one with "9 players|10 players" and the other one with "10 players". Don't forget to enter coordinates for them as they default to (0,0)
- Export your map 

Et voilà :)

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3 years ago
Sep 20, 2021, 5:10:10 PM

Sweet! I'll give it a try this week and upload some new updates to the map :D

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3 years ago
Sep 22, 2021, 8:45:01 PM

Thanks very much for this possibilty! Finally one can play on earth with maximum people.
I have already updated my Terra Map, with ten Map versions to play on every spawn offline locally:

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Sep 25, 2021, 10:47:11 AM

Hallo, ich finde es toll, dass es jetzt eine Möglichkeit gibt 10 Spieler Karten zu erstellen, aber ehrlich gesagt hilft mir deine Anleitung nicht weiter. Bei Option 1 finde ich die Dateien einfach nicht im temporären Ordner und bei Option 2 werden so viele verschiedene Programme verwendet, dass ich keinen Plan habe, wie es weitergehen soll, leider helfen mir auch die verlinkten Anleitungen nicht weiter.

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