Title: [PC/Steam, V1.01.0059-S10] Armies invisible when continue the game after game turn limit

Description: Armies are invisible after the game turn limit (300 turns normal speed) and click continue, else the missile.


Partie de Quarior 5 (last manual save).ctr

auto-save 1188 (last auto save).ctr

Diagnostics (2021'08'24 @1250'29''628''').html

Diagnostics (2021'08'24 @1250'29''628''')p2.html

And sorry, I forgot to screenshot when I quit the game but you can go to a army on the army list and click on the wen (loupe).

Step to reproduce:

  1. Click continue when you are the menu of the game finish.
  2. (Build some missiles.)
  3. Go to a army and see if is invisible.

PS: I finish the missile some turns after the game was finish and not zoom on armies between times...