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[INV][Mod/ModdingTools] - Mod.IO causing very strange game bugs/glitches [SOLVED/RESOLVED]

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3 years ago
Nov 11, 2021, 4:05:00 PM

Edit: What directory do you guys install the game to? I just realized my entire steam folder is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam

Wondering if EVERYONE has theirs in "Program Files" that I may have stumbled upon some strange directory read bug with mod.io and it's loading of certain grapics when mods are in use?

I've had an incredibly difficult time getting mods to run in humankind via the mod.io portal.

Some of the issues I've had with loading/applying mods:

- Cities and outposts as well as districts will vanish entirely. Functionally they are there but visually gone.

- Upon applying mods, the UI for starting/loading games will break completely and be unusable, requiring a hard reset.

- A saved game will state the mods are incompatible despite no updates or changes.

- Applying mods then loading a game that had those mods will cause huge graphical glitches such as my persona warping out then causing a crash to desktop.

These same problems persist on both branches of the game, I did a fresh install of the older beta version to see if I'd have any luck or if the outcome would be different but to no avail. I used to use BepinEx and those mods worked fine. These issues even persisted after I wiped EVERYTHING and did a fresh install. After 4 hours of troubleshooting I'm back to using GameChange/BepinEx mods as they are the only ones that seem to actually work.

The mods I am able to launch into game with have various UI/Visual bugs that they cause which make the game look very bleak and unappealing to play. 

Some info on my build if that helps at all:

ASUS TUF Gaming Mobo - X570

AMD Ryzen 7 3800X


Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 6GB

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Nov 11, 2021, 6:43:40 PM

This is what's happening now with any/every mod that manages to load/work. The mods work now but any mod causes this issue where all improvements, outposts and cities of all players are just blank. I still haven't found a solution to this :C

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3 years ago
Nov 11, 2021, 11:47:55 PM

I am getting this error that you mentioned above,  A saved game will state the mods are incompatible despite no updates or changes. .  Also during a battle, I command my archers to fire, a "loading"? line appears around their icon, then no arrows, and no change in the enemies health bar.

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3 years ago
Nov 12, 2021, 7:57:50 AM


In order for us to fully investigate this issue we need the following:

- The name of the mod(s) you've installed that caused your issues.

- A save in which you had graphical issues with the mod activated. Your saves are by default located:

o PC: \Users\[username]\Documents\Humankind\Save Files

o Mac: This is hidden in the Libraries folder. You will need to do an internet search to find specific steps for your OS. Once the libraries folder is revealed, they are in /library/ application support/humankind/Save Files

- Your diagnostics logs. These are time stamped, and any time you close and relaunch the game, new ones are started. Please grab all diagnostics logs related to the session you were playing where the issue occurred. These are by default located:

o PC: \Users\[username]\Documents\Humankind\Temporary Files

o Mac: This is hidden in the Libraries folder. You will need to do an internet search to find specific steps for your OS. Once the libraries folder is revealed, they are in user/library/ application support/humankind/Temporary Files

- Information about the system you are playing on. To get this information:

o PC: From the Windows desktop, press the Windows and R keys to open the Run window. In the Open: field of the Run window, type dxdiag. Click OK or the Enter key to open the DirectX* Diagnostic Tool. o Mac: https://support.apple.com/en-gb/HT203001

Thank you for taking the time to send us this report.

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3 years ago
Nov 12, 2021, 2:50:06 PM

Hello Tyor, thanks for getting back to me!

- Name of mods causing this [every mod I've tried but some of the larger ones that seem to work fine for most]:

- BuyThis!

- Almost Free Districts

- Repeating Better Repeats

- Simpler Buyout costs

- No exponential district cost

I don't use this mods together as they would most likely conflict, but any one of these causes the graphical errors. I'll run a game now with BuyThis! and send the requested info for your team:


Diagnostics (2021'11'12 @1431'57''820''').html

Diagnostics (2021'11'12 @1431'55''211''').html

I'm happy to run any other mod to further test these bugs as the vanishing cities/districts/outpost bug happens with any mod I load.

This SHOULD be a totally clean install of the game on the latest beta branch as I did a full wipe/uninstall and reinstall a few days ago.



Thanks for reading!

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3 years ago
Nov 13, 2021, 1:57:12 PM

Today I tested to see if this bug would persist with a simple mod: https://humankind.mod.io/scaling-public-ceremonies

The same bug persists. All graphics for cities, outposts and districts are invisible but still functional. Included is save data, diagnostics and a screenshot for comparison when you check the save. Thanks for looking!

Here is the save and diagnostics:

Danza Mod Bug Test 2.ctr

Diagnostics (2021'11'13 @1346'17''862''').html

EDIT: I was unsure if a "clean install" that I've ran these tests on would include the uninstall deleting the Humankind documents folder... So I totally deleted that and booted up, made an avatar, connected to G2G etc and ran the test again and the same bugs occurred. 

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Nov 14, 2021, 1:56:26 PM

Just out of curiosity tried to validate my files again but that made no difference. Seems this city/district/outpost vanishing bug is a very persistent one! Nothing I've tried has resolved it.

It's strange how any mod for me causes this glitch regardless of what files the mod interacts with. 

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3 years ago
Nov 15, 2021, 10:57:26 PM

I tried a total wipe of the game, deleted every instance of every file on my HDD after uninstalling with steam. Did a system restart then a fresh install straight to latest beta build for mods. Problem still persists. 

At this point I'm wondering if it's some kind of bizarre hardware incompatibility? I assume most people connected their mod.io account through steam? I might try one last ditch effort at trying via email to see if something strange is happening for me with steam and mod.io when it comes to loading graphics when mods are installed. 

Edit: Unfortunately the bug persists. I've tried everything I can think of at this point. I hope my logs and info are enough to help the devs find what is causing this. It seems like a very rare bug as I've not seen anyone else with vanishing cities and districts! 

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Nov 18, 2021, 2:59:32 PM


Your latest update fixed it.

However: I was told by multiple members of the community that I had to have the "Fabius Maxiumus Beta" update selected in steam. This wasn't the case. This kept my game version to .502 when now we're into the 50s update ID wise. I had to select NO beta/branch for the game to update to the current version and now everything works. 

I tried both branches before where "NO" beta opt in was simply breaking the UI on the menu entirely but this update seemed to fix it.

Realised this when I didn't receive the latest update and I had no extra/new victory conditions. Mods work now with no UI or graphical problems!

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Nov 19, 2021, 1:14:47 AM

If got the strange policies screen too. And I realised there were blinking dots on the map (has happened before in previous versions, so might be a known bug, which seems mroe frequent now). Also I realised that the archer animation in fights is disrupted (though they still give out the damage). Generally the fights feel a bit more glitchy. Although I am not using any mod that modifies units. And there are no tool tips about infrastructure, etc in the city view when you scroll over them. Are these more widespread, known bugs (caused by some mods)? 

Updated 3 years ago.
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