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[KI] Finished a game with the Official Endless Mod. How do I unlock Horatio avatar?

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2 years ago
Jan 27, 2022, 9:07:21 PM

Horatio's not in the options and I see no way to unlock this.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Jan 27, 2022, 9:36:49 PM

I'm going to make an educated guess based on this answer from a Dev : it will come on the following patch (February), most likely at the end of the current "Happy Lunar New Year!" community challenge (February 16th or soon after).

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2 years ago
Feb 5, 2022, 6:42:06 PM

Congrats on getting the scientific filter! I never saw it before.
I unlocked Horatio on the first day, through a bug (not playing the mod). After that, I've not seen him anymore.

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2 years ago
Feb 6, 2022, 1:40:51 PM
Stargoon wrote:

Horatio's not in the options and I see no way to unlock this.

I should have replied once I finished the Endless Mod (and corrected my own reply) because you do actually unlock the Horatio Avatar once you finish a playthrough with the Endless Mod on.

As you can see, I unlocked it once I finished my game (a bit glitchy in the avatar selection, as it's the Ancestor's picture that is displayed) :

So it seems that, based on the screenshot you provided, you chose an event path that made the playthrough endlessly playing. I'd assume it's not considered as an ending condition for the mod, thus not letting you unlock the avatar.

Best way to be sure would be to either start a new playthrough with the mod on and follow a different event path, or load one of your mod savefiles and try to get another ending.

The ending of the Endless Mod is similar to the science victory in the vanilla game, it should let you choose from 2 options : either choosing a specific ending event, or continue playing and earning an amount of money and fame if I recall correctly.

Best of luck, have fun !

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Feb 7, 2022, 1:41:52 AM

Welp, first playthrough I unknowingly clicked continue, because I enjoyed the content and thought there'd be more, second one I got money filter and it just kept going, no follow-up event. I managed to bounce back money-wise, completed all research, saw all the lategame events and ran out of infrastructure to build in major cities.

If I understand correctly that's just an avatar, not a fully fleshed persona to play against and as giving us multiple avatars seemingly isn't even on a distant horizon, I don't think I'll bother trying again, especially considering how it's unclear how to attempt to get different filters.

EDIT: Just as I posted here, I had a thought that made me go "surely, they did not, that would be cruel", but I decided to whatever it and reloaded the save to prove to myself, that no way that's what was the issue. I built some armies and tanked my income to go negative and sure enough, the great filter event launched and I was finally allowed to build stuff to win the scenario. So for anyone stuck in Financial Great Filter, you need to let your money go negative, if you act too fast and manage to go positive before Great Depression tanks your economy, you will be punished by getting stuck in a limbo.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Feb 13, 2022, 1:44:12 AM
DNLH wrote:

Welp, first playthrough I unknowingly clicked continue, because I enjoyed the content and thought there'd be more, second one I got money filter and it just kept going, no follow-up event. I managed to bounce back money-wise, completed all research, saw all the lategame events and ran out of infrastructure to build in major cities.

If I understand correctly that's just an avatar, not a fully fleshed persona to play against and as giving us multiple avatars seemingly isn't even on a distant horizon, I don't think I'll bother trying again, especially considering how it's unclear how to attempt to get different filters.

EDIT: Just as I posted here, I had a thought that made me go "surely, they did not, that would be cruel", but I decided to whatever it and reloaded the save to prove to myself, that no way that's what was the issue. I built some armies and tanked my income to go negative and sure enough, the great filter event launched and I was finally allowed to build stuff to win the scenario. So for anyone stuck in Financial Great Filter, you need to let your money go negative, if you act too fast and manage to go positive before Great Depression tanks your economy, you will be punished by getting stuck in a limbo.

I've been stuck here for a while now.  I had such a strong economy when I got this event that my money never went negative. Is it your income or money that you have to make negative? 

I've been building a ton of armies, boats, nukes, and planes, but I've only managed to get my economy down from 100K per turn to 40K and this grind seems endless. 

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2 years ago
Feb 13, 2022, 10:33:18 AM

You need to get your money all the way down below zero, yeah, not just the per turn income. It's pretty brutal and, honestly, I don't get the idea behind it, the game makes it pretty obvious that bankruptcy is a no-no, so it could be expected that players would scramble to go back into positive income as fast as they can while the money stash is still there. I gave myself a pat on the back when I budgeted new luxuries/strategics trade routes to get income back to green without depleting meager reserves, without knowing that in reality I shot myself in a foot.

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