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Achievement Issues

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3 years ago
Mar 4, 2022, 3:15:09 PM

The Stars My Destination - I got this one by just playing and accumulating all possible stars. However, the game ended (score victory I believe) before I got all the stars in the final age (or ages) and I got the achievement. Given the description, it seems that you need to get all stars in the final age? Or across all ages? (which I didn't do).

Wonder-Full - I think this has been pointed out before but still not addressed in any of the patches. The counter resets after every game it seems. Also I have no idea what the 0/4,194,303 means.

Swordpay, Hard Rock Knife, Price Cuts - as already mentioned in an earlier thread, the counters seem to reset each game. I don't know if that's intended or not. The descriptions only say 'hire x armies' not 'hire x armies within a single game'.


Updated 3 years ago.
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