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Multiplay - Access Denied.

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2 years ago
Apr 27, 2023, 1:08:38 AM

When I try to access Play > Multiplayer it gives me a message Access Denied. If I then try and click on New Game in the top right it gives me a messaged of Disconnected: Please Check your internet connection. I am connected to Amplifiers and the internet.

v1.0.22.3819 No mods or any DLC

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Apr 27, 2023, 4:28:24 AM

I am also having this issue. I cannot launch or join a multi-player game. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling, disabling DLCs, and deleting temp files

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2 years ago
Apr 27, 2023, 7:59:32 AM


In order for us to fully investigate this issue we need the following:

Your diagnostics logs. These are time stamped, and any time you close and relaunch the game, new ones are started. Please grab all diagnostics logs related to the session you were playing where the issue occurred. These are by default located:

o PC: \Users\[username]\Documents\Humankind\Temporary Files

o Mac: This is hidden in the Libraries folder. You will need to do an internet search to find specific steps for your OS. Once the libraries folder is revealed, they are in user/library/ application support/humankind/Temporary Files

- An output log. These can be found here:

o PC: This folder is hidden by default. You will need to reveal hidden folders (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/show-hidden-files-0320fe58-0117-fd59-6851-9b7f9840fdb2 ) then navigate to: Users\[username]\AppData\LocalLow\AMPLITUDE Studios\Humankind

o Mac: This is hidden in the Libraries folder. You will need to do an internet search to find specific steps for your OS. Once the libraries folder is revealed, they are in user/library/logs/amplitude studios/humankind

Truly sorry for the inconvenience, as for now a workaround may have been found by other community members which is to click multiple times on the "Refresh" button. Could you tell us if it helps?

Thanks you for talking the time to send us your bug reports!

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2 years ago
Apr 27, 2023, 4:46:53 PM
Tyor wrote:


In order for us to fully investigate this issue we need the following:

Your diagnostics logs. These are time stamped, and any time you close and relaunch the game, new ones are started. Please grab all diagnostics logs related to the session you were playing where the issue occurred. These are by default located:

o PC: \Users\[username]\Documents\Humankind\Temporary Files

o Mac: This is hidden in the Libraries folder. You will need to do an internet search to find specific steps for your OS. Once the libraries folder is revealed, they are in user/library/ application support/humankind/Temporary Files

- An output log. These can be found here:

o PC: This folder is hidden by default. You will need to reveal hidden folders (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/show-hidden-files-0320fe58-0117-fd59-6851-9b7f9840fdb2 ) then navigate to: Users\[username]\AppData\LocalLow\AMPLITUDE Studios\Humankind

o Mac: This is hidden in the Libraries folder. You will need to do an internet search to find specific steps for your OS. Once the libraries folder is revealed, they are in user/library/logs/amplitude studios/humankind

Truly sorry for the inconvenience, as for now a workaround may have been found by other community members which is to click multiple times on the "Refresh" button. Could you tell us if it helps?

Thanks you for talking the time to send us your bug reports!

The diagnostic file is in HMTL format in my Temp Folder. I renamed it to .log so it would accept the upload.

Player.logDiagnostics (2023'04'26 @2057'23''393''').log

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2 years ago
Apr 27, 2023, 7:01:12 PM

My friend is currently having the same issue, we both bought the game last night. If you guys find a work around or fix the issue please let me know! Thanks!

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2 years ago
Apr 27, 2023, 7:57:48 PM

My friend is currently having the same issue, we both bought the game last night. If you guys find a work around or fix the issue please let me know! Thanks!

I also got it last night with pretty much the sole purpose of playing with friends.

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