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Some problems on the translation for the traditional Chinese version

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4 years ago
Sep 2, 2021, 11:26:44 PM

I notice that the in game traditional Chinese translation is somehow sub-standard. For example, the ideological axis on government is translated as 冥思 vs. 教導, which actually means "self-meditation vs. teaching". THIS IS TOTALLY MISLEADING. This ideological axis is not concerning the way to education in general or to the religious affairs in general. It is not hard to imagine many players using the traditional Chinese version would be quite confused just because this peculiar translation on the government ideology in terms of Liberty vs. Authority (which should be 自由 vs. 威權 in the conventional traditional Chinese translation BTW).

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2 years ago
Jun 12, 2023, 5:23:58 AM

It's easy to see how this unusual interpretation of state ideology as Liberty vs. Authority could throw off those gamers familiar with the standard Chinese version.

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