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[AI-Issue] The fear of winning? Wasting time in the last era.

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2 years ago
Aug 29, 2022, 2:32:34 AM

I already wrote a thread about the current state of the game pacing, even in endless.

I'd like to pinpoint more precisely the issue of the AI rushing the last era not to be able to close the game.

Elissa got to the last era turn 302:

Victor around turn 315-320:

While, I left the medieval era (yes, that one) around turn 290.

The issue is not really there, they both had more fame than me, better armies and seemed ready to win the game.
However, they did not found a way to end the game. Science was obviously one part of the explanation for Victor (Blue) but not for Elissa (Black):

And the research graph:

They both had researched more technologies than I and could have gotten to mars before me.

I looked at the end game recap and noticed the following science stars:

  1. Elissa: 3-3-3-2-1-2
  2. Victor: 3-2-2-3-0-1

So, they pretty much fall down down at the end, after both good start and I don't get the reason to reach as fast as they did to the last era with only 1 and 0 science star.
I'm pretty sure there was a window during which either of them could have won, of maybe close to 70 turns (I had some point in the sleeves, but not enough to close the whole gap).
If Elissa had directed her research on going to Mars, she would have won.

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7 months ago
May 19, 2024, 11:01:08 AM

There a lot of variables at play here: 

First thing I can think of is that their cultures might have influenced which Era stars they went for in Era VI - i.e. the reason why we might see a drop-off in science Era stars is because they chose cultures that gave them Era stars that gives you more fame for other tasks. 

Second variable I can think of is the distinction between triggering the end-condition vs. the actual winning condition which is Fame. 

According to the graphs you catch up to Black's Fame lvl around turn 400. Before turn 400 the Black player is not even close to having the research to trigger the end-conditions. And if they trigger the end-condition after turn 400 they would lose- since you caught up in Fame already. In other words, ending the game would have been a losing move for the AI after turn 400+. 

So the AI had to win the game between turn 300-400 - but as we see on the graph over research and science they are not even close at pulling something like that off at this time. And remember, what is important for the AI to win is the Fame lead - so widening that gap is more important than doing research (for the AI)- which can probably explain why their Research Era Stars fall over time (if indeed they had cultures that explain this). 

Cool analysis though :) 

Updated 7 months ago.
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