
Thanks for your interest in trying the beta and giving us your feedback. Unfortunately, this being a beta, there are some bugs in it that are still present in this version though they have already been fixed for the release version.

  • Armies cannot ransack tiles belonging to one of their vassal empires.
  • Auto-explore may not always correctly use all of a unit's movement points.
  • The loading screen for the mapt editor incorrectly shows the loading screen from the last loaded game.
  • The Aristocracy Evolution civic does not correctly lock when a player no longer meets its prerequisites.
  • Artillery striking a player's vassal empire may prompt a war declaration on the player's own empire
  • Hittites unique trait description may display in English regardless of game language selected.
  • Loading screen tips may display in English instead of the selected game language.
  • Extras menu is not correclty displayed in German

We hope these issues will not give you too much trouble while playing the beta.

Have fun!