Auriga, home to such iconic factions as the Vaulters, plays a key role in the unfolding story of the Endless universe. It’s a beautiful planet, but also a dangerous one. Wracked by cataclysms before, the world seemingly recovered, only to spiral towards destruction once more. Can you lead your people to find a way to escape or to survive the increasingly hostile environment, even without the help of the near-magical powers of Dust?
Scenario Conditions
- Difficulty: Nation
- Speed: Fast
- End Conditions: Space Race, Endgame Technologies
- Game version: Vauban Update, No DLC, no Mods
IMPORTANT: Please make sure all DLC and other additional content are disabled before you load the save. In the past, we have noticed severe technical issues if players mentioned to load a save while different DLC was active.
As this scenario is provided through a save file, these conditions cannot be changed, and they are listed only for your information. The save should remain compatible with future versions of the game, but this is not guaranteed.
How to play the scenario: