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relocating a embasy


2 years ago Mar 12, 2023, 6:23:45 PM

i plopped an emabsy down, decided to move it to another spot, i have not ended my turn, but cant seem to cancel the construction place

my question is;

what gives?

Selected answer
2 years ago
Mar 12, 2023, 9:03:11 PM

Same with Cultural Wonders and Holy Sites, all those Shared Projects can't be moved once you've placed them on the map.

In fact, it's written in the tooltip, when you hover your mouse over the project (Wonder, Holy Site or Embassy).

Something along those lines in english (doing this from memory) : "Only one construction allowed per empire. Once you've placed it on the map, you can't place it elsewhere".

So yeah, you gotta think ahead when placing the Embassy or any other Shared Project on the map, as you'll only get one choice :)

Good thing though about the Embassy is its influence adjacency with nearby quarters. Makes it an interesting district to place at the center of your city and surround it with quarters to maximize the influence gain.

Updated a year ago.
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2 years ago
Mar 12, 2023, 9:03:11 PM

Same with Cultural Wonders and Holy Sites, all those Shared Projects can't be moved once you've placed them on the map.

In fact, it's written in the tooltip, when you hover your mouse over the project (Wonder, Holy Site or Embassy).

Something along those lines in english (doing this from memory) : "Only one construction allowed per empire. Once you've placed it on the map, you can't place it elsewhere".

So yeah, you gotta think ahead when placing the Embassy or any other Shared Project on the map, as you'll only get one choice :)

Good thing though about the Embassy is its influence adjacency with nearby quarters. Makes it an interesting district to place at the center of your city and surround it with quarters to maximize the influence gain.

Updated a year ago.
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2 years ago
Mar 12, 2023, 6:47:13 PM


As soon as you meet another Empire, you unlock the Embassy. These special buildings embody your desire to find peaceful outcomes for the conflicts that may and will arise between you and others.

Embassies can be placed anywhere in your Empire. While they are expensive, multiple Cities can contribute to their construction.

Once their construction is complete, the Embassy tab in the Diplomacy screen will be enabled.


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