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Stuck on a turn because a city is in a warzone but still needs to build something


2 years ago Apr 14, 2023, 9:47:48 PM

Title says it all, the condition for moving the turn is that my city needs to be building something but since it's in the radius of a conflict I'm in it can't build anything. I tried making and reloading multiple saves and looking through my notification bar but nothing seems to work.

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2 years ago
Apr 15, 2023, 10:03:00 PM

For anyone else having this issue I found a solution. Go to the UI tab in settings and disable mandatories, this will make it so you can go to your next turn while having an active mandatory such as moving a unit, researching a technology or in my case building something in a city. Hope this helps someone else out.

Updated 5 months ago.
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