The recent launch of HUMANKIND on Xbox has been great and me and my friends have been enjoying ourselves a lot but after an update that went through a few days ago (about 11GB big or so) the 3D tree textures that sat on top of forest tiles have been removed or something? No matter what save I load whether it was created before or after the update every forest tile or any tile that had 3D trees on it are just an awkward texture with nothing on top. I don’t know if it’s because of performance issues but personally my 9th gen console could handle it just fine beforehand and I can’t seem to find any setting in game to re-enable them? This is just a personal itch of mine as the game still plays the same and I still enjoy it but it is very noticeable and not as immersive (not that immersion is all I care about) however I did use to look for trees on tiles to avoid because of the forest movement penalty and I’m finding myself wondering into Forrest’s accidentally a lot more. Regardless I still enjoy the game and just want to know what happened? Thanks in advance