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7 months ago Nov 23, 2023, 4:01:57 AM

On Xbox there is a weird bug where once you get to the contemporary era and you progress through it a little bit your game crashes and then once you try loading back in everything is fine for a little bit and everything starts showing up but then u crash again I would really enjoy the game if you could fix this bug because at the moment I don’t really like to play it because I know it will crash at some point and I just wasted hours playing and not getting to finish my play through. I really enjoy playing your game but the bug just messes it up. Keep up all the good work for your game but please fix this bug soon because I really wanna play without bugging out.

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2 months ago
May 3, 2024, 3:43:29 AM

Same problem, posted pretty much the same thing. No reply, no acknowledgement and no fixes. Incredibly frustrating because like you I love this game but there is no point in playing it if you cant finish a game.

Updated 2 months ago.
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