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Crash after changing disk



5 months ago Feb 14, 2024, 2:05:26 PM

So recently my HDD went busted, so I change it to an SSD. installed humankind, but always crash, tried verifying game files. nothing works. previously it crash when starting match. this time it crash at startup and this is the result. 

Anyone have solutions? Thanks

Selected answer
4 months ago
Feb 19, 2024, 11:01:11 AM

So for anyone in the future that got this issue, this game, and a lot of games, require 2 disk attached to your laptop. externals don't count. 

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5 months ago
Feb 15, 2024, 4:30:41 AM

To the devs, I have the HTML crash log, but I can't seem to upload it. can I send it to your customer service email?

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4 months ago
Feb 19, 2024, 11:01:11 AM

So for anyone in the future that got this issue, this game, and a lot of games, require 2 disk attached to your laptop. externals don't count. 

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