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Invisible Cursor



a month ago Feb 9, 2025, 2:42:19 AM

To put it plainly, my cursor is invisible in game. It is only in Humankind that this happens, and I can not find a fix at this time. I am still able to interact and even start a game, however, without being able to see my cursor, I functionally cannot play the game. 

For context if it helps, I recently got the game through Epic Games. I also saw somewhere that the issue may come from my game capture software, but I deleted it and I am still having this issue. (I had Outplayed.) 

I would really appreciate any assistance or ideas. 

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a month ago
Feb 12, 2025, 4:21:59 PM

I made this account just to reply to this lmao anyways I got the game off epic for free as well and had the invisible curser problem. outplayed is part of the problem you don't have to delete it entirely just make sure both outplayed and Overwolf (assuming you got it thru Overwolf as I did) are closed out! I force closed Overwolf and ran humankind and my curser was visible! hope this helps i was struggling to figure it out lucky i saw you said you had outplayed as well, and it got my thinking what if Overwolf is part of the problem

Updated a month ago.
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