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Hidden Fame points

Game options

2 years ago
Nov 9, 2022, 11:40:23 PM

I think it would be really cool to have an option to hide fame points of the other empires! Would create extra tension in the late game!

This setting (on/off) would be among other settings when setting up a new game.

Hidden points feature could work in one of the ways listed below.

Solution 1

Fame points of the other empires will stay hidden the whole game and becomes visible once you or other empire wins the game. Very easy implementation.

Solution 2

Fame points stays hidden until you research a specific technology (satellites perhaps?). Very easy implementation.

Solution 3

Fame points of the other empire are visible if you have at least 1 envoy near the capital of that empire. Wouldn't be hard to implement.

Solution 4

Hidden points could be turned into a mini-game! This would require some dev time and effort to implement.

So, instead of the fame points list we have right now there would be a special icon. Once you click that icon, narrator in a godly voice would say various things depending on what position you take. For example, if you are in position 8-10, narrator would say things such as "you're a such a noob, how are you planning to win?", if you are in the 2-3 position he would say "you are close to being among the legends, but still not quite there yet", if you are in the 1-3 position he would say something like "you are among the best of the best" and so on. He would never give you a specific position. To make his predictions more accurate, you would have to build a special quarter (maybe an altar or something). There you could spend your resources (money and influence?) to do prayers, which would make predictions of the godly voice more accurate!

Totally stupid idea, I know, don't mention it! :D

That's it.

Updated 18 days ago.
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The IMPLEMENTED status designates ideas that have been implemented in the game.


DEV Daarkarrow

status updated 2 years ago

Implemented in the Vauban Update


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2 years ago
Nov 10, 2022, 3:55:48 PM

Solution 5: Fame points are partially hidden until an empire moves form one era to the next.  Stars in the current era are "untallied", and when an empire moves on to the next era, their stars are "cashed out" and added to their public total.

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2 years ago
Jan 25, 2023, 6:42:52 PM

Commenting on this post because I was inspired by this Reddit thread:


Myself, I do not play multiplayer all too often. However, I think that by hiding the fame points, I can appreciate the gameplay more and the narration of the game. When I hit the industrial era, most of the time I try to become self-centered and just pressed end turn after end turn to end the game. Not playing the game and just ending turn after turn because I know my fame is the highest. If I would not be able to see my own/opponents' fame, this would emerge me more into the core gameplay instead of just looking for number becoming bigger number. 

I feel like solution 4 is already touched upon by the narrator during default gameplay. These events should stay. In my opinion solution 1 would be okay.  This makes spying and envoys also more viable because it actually makes more sense to gain intel from your neighbors because you don't know how influential and how much fame they have gathered during their history.

I would still leave the milestones of being the first to discover a natural wonder and the first to discover electricity. These do not impact the fame that significantly anyway. 

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The GREENLIT status is given by the dev team to ideas they will really likely implement in the near future. Almost there!


DEV benblond

status updated 2 years ago

Hey there!

First and foremost, I would like to thank you for taking some time sharing your ideas in order to help us improving the game.

Just to let you know that we really liked it and are working on it at the exact moment I'm writing you this message, meaning that it will be part of the next update. 

At the moment we are going with an option both in the game settings and when you are creating a new game, providing the player to hide the fame leaderboard in order - as you've mentionned and it's a a really good point- to provide more tension. 

So stay tune !

Thanks again, and I wish you a great day


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The IMPLEMENTED status designates ideas that have been implemented in the game.


DEV Daarkarrow

status updated 2 years ago

Implemented in the Vauban Update

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