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Adjacency bonuses for Wonders

Territories Management

2 years ago
Nov 10, 2022, 4:58:12 PM

Hi, I think it could be good idea if buildable wonders had their abilities reworked. For example, if they got some additional adjacency bonus, like influence/production/food for adjacent EQ and etc.

Updated 11 days ago.
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The IMPLEMENTED status designates ideas that have been implemented in the game.


DEV Daarkarrow

status updated 2 years ago

Implemented in the Vauban Update

This is not apply to all Wonders


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2 years ago
Nov 10, 2022, 6:36:41 PM

I would help get them into town and not in a war away no-man's land to max FIMSI out and get some line of sight.

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The GREENLIT status is given by the dev team to ideas they will really likely implement in the near future. Almost there!


DEV benblond

status updated 2 years ago


I'm bringng some good news: we are working on this topic at the precise moment I'm writing and it will be part of the next update. So normally a majority of the wonders (when it makes sense) will have some adjacency bonuse trying to fit with historical background as much as possible.

So stay tune

Have a nice week


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2 years ago
Apr 5, 2023, 6:48:19 PM

Not exactly on adjacency bonuses, but related to benefits of wonders: maybe I don't have enough game experience yet, but I found many of the (at least early-ish) game wonders having fairly bland/similar and not that powerful bonuses for their investment. I was thinking whether wonders could also be differentiated by giving some more game bonuses, like adjecencies and in particular more interesting unusual effects, but making others primarily fame generators. Imagine a wonder that's worth 300 or even 500 fame. That would seem like another difficult choice between investing in the engine or harvesting victory points.

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The IMPLEMENTED status designates ideas that have been implemented in the game.


DEV Daarkarrow

status updated 2 years ago

Implemented in the Vauban Update

This is not apply to all Wonders

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