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2 years ago
Nov 13, 2022, 3:23:13 AM

Currently, the slavery civic is one of the first enacted in the game, and just kinda sits there and never goes away. Unless you deliberately avoid it, every society in Humankind has slaves, and it feels strange that there's no civic like the Irreligion one to potentially lock/get rid of it.

My idea would be to add a mid-late game civic to potentially end slavery, probably late Early Modern/early Industrial era to reflect the real world. My thought is that it would be unlocked on researching Nationhood, or just given as an option a couple turns after hitting the Industrial era. Was debating additional requirements like having a certain number of commons/garrisons, but it feels odd to require someone to have slaves in order to be able to ban them. A civic added to do this could be something like the following:

Abolition: How should our society deal with ending the ugliness of slavery?

*Emancipate: We must free those we wronged, make reparations, and aid those we oppressed in the process of making a more equitable society.
- Slaves civic is disabled and locked

- +25 Stability on all Cities

- Can gain Leverage on slaveholding empires by sending Envoys to their territories (if player has Together We Rule DLC)

*Obfuscate: Through clever legal and financial ruses, we can claim to have ended slavery on paper while leaving the actual condition of servitude unchanged.
- Slaves civic remains enabled
- +10% Food on Farmers Quarter

- +10% Industry on Makers Quarter

This would also add another strongly themed ideology to battle over in the Congress of Humankind, giving players more interesting gameplay. And the leverage from observation idea could be applied to the existing child employment civic as well, potentially.

Updated 11 hours ago.
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2 years ago
Nov 14, 2022, 2:39:03 AM

Indeed, slavery arises and is regulated by a civic, and is only partly annulled by researching Labor Laws, prohibiting sacrifice to finish works. Even more so when historically, labor laws only begin to be thought, in many countries, because slavery was abolished.

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2 years ago
Apr 27, 2023, 7:20:02 PM

Very much in support of this. I especially like how it's handled in Victoria 3, if there's a need for design/gameplay inspiration.

Topics like slavery, universal suffrage, and human rights in general should be more touched on. It's important to not pretend like they weren't big issues various cultures of the world had to face, and are still facing.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Aug 7, 2023, 7:05:34 PM

Right now the only way to counter the slavery question is to avoid it completely by leaving the policy open. I realize that slavery is as old as mankind, but it has also been abolished by most of mankind. I agree that an abolition choice be included somewhere within the social policies tree. 

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