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[Immersion] Option to carry forward culture appearance into next era


2 years ago
Nov 14, 2022, 6:30:15 PM

Starting in Era I as the Zhou and then adopting the Celts, then the Aztecs, can be a fine choice mechanically, and this plays into the "alternate history" take of Humankind, but when we'd like a bit more immersion when we play, it would be nice to gain the Celts' benefits without gaining their appearance.

So, when I adopt a new culture for the next era, I'd like a checkbox/radio button that allows me to retain my culture's general appearance (e.g., "East Asia", "Western Europe") when it comes to the appearance of my armies/buildings/avatar to maintain cultural consistency.  My culture's name might remain the same as the old one, or let me type out a new one.

E.g., as the Zhou, I choose to retain my cultural appearance when I become the Celts.  I gain the Celtic affinity, LT, EQ and EU, but my cities and armies look East Asian, my avatar wears the same clothing as the Zhou, and my culture is either named Zhou, or I'm all allowed to type in a new value ("Qin" or "Jin").

I recognize the Nemeton and Gaesati may look out of place because it would be too much work for your art team to make "cultural counterparts" of every EQ and EU.

Updated 16 days ago.
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2 years ago
Nov 21, 2022, 8:02:17 AM

I like this, ability to choose a single appearance style (and being able to opt out of it into new one at will) would make the cultures better at becoming bricks out of which you build your culture. I think at this point we have enough variety in unit/city styles to allow this?

Maybe we could even choose the appearance at the beginning of the game, before picking first culture?

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2 years ago
Apr 26, 2023, 7:18:09 PM

Some might say it's trivial, or not as important as other ideas... but I would disagree, you do see your leader quite often after all.

I like your idea a lot, you have my vote :)

Oh, and yes, as DNLH said, we could select it from the start (maybe only those we "unlocked" by actually playing them once ?).

And I would also suggest, in addition, the ability to choose the appearance of your leader for the main menu (currently, I believe it's the last one you played).

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