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Infantry allows cavalry to attack penetrated cities


2 years ago
Nov 16, 2022, 3:08:34 AM

Attacking Infantry inside city walls should have the ability yo "open" the gates and let cavalry in. It's difficult to use cavalry to attack cities until trebuchets are able to be built. Rams don't do a good job destroying walls as they day very easily.

Once walls are penetrated, people from the inside should have the ability to let anyone in.

Updated 12 days ago.
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2 years ago
Nov 16, 2022, 2:17:16 PM

I like the idea, but I'm wondering of an implementation where it's fair and still makes walls meaningful.  I'm imagining that an infantry unit standing inside a walled tile gains a status at the end of its turn "Opening Gates", and if it's not attacked while it has that status, the walls in that tile are considered breached after 1-2 complete turns?

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2 years ago
Nov 24, 2022, 4:12:45 AM

TBH, I'd like a full rework of walls because by late game, it just becomes meaningless.

Walls should be a buildable that you build one per tile - at your discretion starting with the city center. And most people should just build walls around the city center, maybe extending outwards 2 tiles at most. The whole city shouldn't be surrounded by a wall. This would partially help the cavalry problem as units couldn't hide so deep in the city as currently.

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