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Allow to set the level of AI personae

Game options

2 years ago
Nov 18, 2022, 10:55:35 PM

The game now offers quite a few personae. Those are Avatars representing historical figures of real human history. There are 12 base personae, to which we can add the three coming from the different betas, Boudicca from the pre-order, Victor Hugo from the Deluxe Edition and five more coming from community challenges. There is also Horatio, that is obviously not a figure of the past (although some say they're our future).

You can find your collection under Extra » Community » AI Persona Collection. They'll appear below the ones downloaded through G2G.

Like the players Avatars, they come with different appearances, archetypes, strengths and bias and like players Avatars, they are classified in one of three categories depending on an amount of points corresponding of a supposed relative power of the strengths and bias picked for each persona: normal, advanced, expert.

Normal seems to go up until 30 points:

Then it's advanced until 70 points:

And from then on it's expert territory:

While the bias have fixed points, most strengths do exist in three variations of the same, with their worth of points logically increasing with the power of the bonus.
For example there are strengths giving a +10%, +20% and +30% additionnal fame that are mutually exclusive:

Their cost is relative to their strength, starting at 10 and up to 30 points.

Let's take, our friend Leonardo da Vinci as an example:

is considered a normal level persona with:

  • 2 strengths (that actually regular players can't combine!):
    • Crafstman, +2 industry on MQ for 10 points
    • Artist, +2 influence on CQ for 10 points
  • 1 bias:
    • Pilgrim, spacing outposts for 10 points

Total 30 points. One might find him interesting as opponent but find him a bit weak.

There are however a middle option for both strengths:

With those two strengths, Leonardo would be stronger and become also an advanced persona.

There are also third versions for both:

Although, using them Leonardo would remain an advanced persona, as they'd total 30 points each for a total of 70 with the small 10 points bias.

What I do suggest is to give the possibility to players to set the level of those strength at will with a simple interface on the game creation menu, something like that:

Additionnally, if the devs could add or remove a bias when switching between normal, advanced and expert for strengths, as to have them match the overall level of the persona (in the case of Leonardo, adding a 10 points bias would suffice), it'd be perfect.

Thank you for having read it until the end, it was a long post.
I hope you still have enough strength to upvote it and wish you, dear reader, the best.

Updated 5 days ago.
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2 years ago
Feb 22, 2023, 1:56:44 AM

This is a great idea.  Thanks for taking the time to write it up!

I really think the basic premise of the AI personas is brilliant.  It has the potential to offer a wide variety of AI opponents with markedly different playstyles.  But, so far, I think this potential remains largely unrealized.  Maybe the brainstorming and subsequent implementation of ideas like this one could help realize that potential.

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