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More customization options for game length / costs

Game options

2 years ago
Nov 22, 2022, 8:56:34 AM

I would like to be able to set the following stuff independently from the number of game turns. Maybe add it as a "Custom" game pace options:

- # turns

- tech costs

- build costs

- pop growth

- status duration multiplier

- trade costs (trade routes)

- influence costs (outposts, absorb, civic, etc.)


Updated 20 days ago.
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2 years ago
Apr 16, 2023, 2:27:02 PM

+1: How many stars are needed to trigger next Era

With it we could practically disabled the Era progression based on stars and resolve the issue where cultures progress faster then tech

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2 years ago
Apr 16, 2023, 2:29:58 PM

Its interesting to see this idea has been around for 5 months and no-one commented on it

Arent that many players bothered that Era progression always heavily outpaces tech progression or that Eras are often swooping by without major events?

The existing game pace options do not address either of these but simply seem to slow down the game overall streaking out the valuable content in a longer timeframe instead of giving more turns/time for them to accumulate before an Era is over

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Apr 28, 2023, 4:22:22 AM

Someone sent a link, so now I see it. And I agree :) Just like in Civ. It lets you customize for how you play it - to adjust difficulty in a more fine-tuned manner.

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2 years ago
Apr 29, 2023, 7:31:36 AM
Dayvit78 wrote:

Someone sent a link, so now I see it. And I agree :) Just like in Civ. It lets you customize for how you play it - to adjust difficulty in a more fine-tuned manner.

Yes it would also help with difficulty: most 4x games have an issue in hitting the sweet spot there as difficulty normally only alters the bonuses AI get but not all enjoy if the AI is getting bonuses at all

Altering game parameters on a granular manner is a sweet way of getting around that issue as the player can select areas of the game that go slower or faster depending on what they and the AI are good at and thus set custom difficulty that way and without actual bonuses to the AI

In my case the gap between Era and Tech progression is what bothers me the most taking away from the experience era by era

The other issue I would tackle is that I want to spend more time within each Era having proper stories (wars, alliances) in each but the current "slow" mode doesnt really allow for more events it just seems to drag out everything along a longer timeframe

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