The pollution system is yet really basic and needs rework. Some of my following ideas are already part of the Civ6 gathering storm DLC but fair enough Civ did a good job on that point. And Amplitude should learn and even improve that.
The events don't have any influence on the pollution but just lead to 10 rounds science, money or ... what is their actual purpose / where are the real consequences ? Why is it possible that "A Mournful Song" has real consequences and "Black Winds" but there is no for "Inconvenient truth"?
A green future ? We have some options to lower the pollution like nuclear plants, wind farms, ... but where are the options to create a real carbon neutral state or do the exactly opposite and still have bonuses ? Prohibit coal power plants / nuclear plants, accurate bonuses for both ways, ...
Pollution - an abstract ? CIV6 does a big connection between modern electricity, resources and global warming. We already do have bonuses from coal or aluminium ... but I miss a good connection.
The consequences of high pollution are stability and food production reduction. What's about natural disasters like tornados or droughts and in the end a rise of the sea level with a loss of fields. In CIV6 natural disaster even cost your cities population. Pollution right now is like a narrative event - it needs some visible consequences and an own menu (maybe *enviroment*). Back to the comparison: Why you can build wind farms and hydroelectrical dams in CIV6 but not in the even more district focused Humankind ? It needs a rework: electricity as a parent bonus value for FIMS and a shift or better return to humankinds core idea: cities with many buildings/tiles so lets convert energy infrastructure into districts. (they could be limited like symbolic districts or ...) ~ cities will look more fancy :D
I am concerned that these suggestions need a lot of work but I hope they will be part of the game in the future. And I think to be well done this might need to be a own DLC.
Matching ideas:
- adding gas as resource by Cure_off
- Nature and enviromentalism by Bonadry
If you have any ideas feel free to leave a comment. :D
~ How can we implement that in the world congress - international enviroment efforts without destroying peoples power plants against their will ? ; Is it fair to scale the bonuses with the quantity of resources you have or should it be just a requirement to build it ? ; What could be new technologies about this whole topic like fracking or flood barriers ? ; What could be new laws or narrative events ? ; Should buildings like wind farms, coal power plants, ... have adjacency bonuses and if yes - which ? ; How could events look like ? ; Realistic forests & nature reserves (adjacency bonuses, percentage bonuses, lower bonus next to idustrial quarters, ...)? ; The role of the ocean like coral reefs ? ; ...
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