Logo Platform
logo amplifiers simplified

Notification improvement

Notification systemGUI

2 years ago
Dec 1, 2022, 10:11:30 PM

Please move the card with the details above the small icon instead of replacing it and moving the left icon away to make room. 

Reason: due to the change of width it makes clicking through the notifications tiresome due to the animation delay and the changed distance.

In addition, please group similar stuff together to have similar things beside each other.:

- city related (pops, buildings, status)

- unit related (lost at sea, trespassing, etc.)

- change of diplomatic states (declares war, trade interdiction, etc.)

- economy related (like stuff got bought from you, and others)

- etc.

Updated 17 days ago.
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2 years ago
Dec 23, 2022, 6:49:29 PM

and option turn off selected types of notifications, such as the ever annoying pop loss/pop gain every single turn once you have a few outposts built

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