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AI science shall be the same as yours

TechnologiesGame options

2 years ago
Dec 5, 2022, 2:24:21 PM

The most two annoying aspects in single player games are these 2 situations:

1) The AI is too behind you by science, your units are 1-2 era above, so conquering them doesn’t makes any struggle 

2) The AI is already in medieval era and you haven’t researched wheel yet

So, in the first case, you have to pick next difficulty, but as you pick it, you get the second case, and have to choose to be dominated or dominate. But in both cases there is one period of time when everybody is equal and it is the most pleasant part of gameplay.

So, I believe there shall be option, that makes AI science equal to yours during all the time. So it is their choice what technology to open, but they have to be all time the same stage of development as player for the best immersion and emotions from game.

Also, this concerns the IP, as sometimes they have cool army you want to hire, and other time they stack in medieval era. I think the reason is that their development depends on average AI development, so if they all in past, then there are no reasons to hire those armies.

Updated 3 days ago.
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Out of Vision

The OUT OF VISION status is given by the dev team to ideas that are not compatible with their vision of the game or technically not feasible.


DEV benblond

status updated 2 years ago

Hello there,

First and foremost, thanks for sharing both your feedbacks about issues you are encountering, but also providing us ideas in order to make the game better.

Unfortunatly, after debating this with some of the developpers, make AI science equalt to yours would bring more issues than solutions: first of them making the science affinity not relevant anymore. On the other hand it will make the game even more unbalanced: for exemple giving cultures with military affinity access to the same roster of units you have will make them extra powerfull. Of course, it would also take away some tension between the choices you have to make about what is your priority (science, building...)

Anyway, we have heard your concerned and we keep trying to find a solution to the feeling you are experiencing.

Have a very nice week



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2 years ago
Dec 7, 2022, 3:17:50 AM

I have also previously requested "Era Locks" which they said might be possible.

The idea is that everybody is in the same era, until they agree to move to the next era (maybe a majority or some other determining factor).

For me, the point of it was so that you can spend the first half of the era getting tech, building buildings and units, and then the second half USING THE UNITS OF THAT ERA! Because too often we run into situations as you describe where it's totally unbalanced. Yes in history, there are many cases where cultures are in different eras, but there's also notable examples where everybody is in the same era, doing the same things and fighting on equal terms (where the EUs and EQs are the determing factor, not the era).

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2 years ago
Dec 12, 2022, 7:59:19 PM

I would not support forced AI science equal to yours during all the time but I am strongly in favour of some kind of rubber band mechanic that softly synchronizes the scientific progress between the empires.

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2 years ago
Dec 20, 2022, 4:05:17 PM

The science osmosis is too weak, it should last for several turns.

Maybe permanent osmosis as long as borders are open.

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Out of Vision

The OUT OF VISION status is given by the dev team to ideas that are not compatible with their vision of the game or technically not feasible.


DEV benblond

status updated 2 years ago

Hello there,

First and foremost, thanks for sharing both your feedbacks about issues you are encountering, but also providing us ideas in order to make the game better.

Unfortunatly, after debating this with some of the developpers, make AI science equalt to yours would bring more issues than solutions: first of them making the science affinity not relevant anymore. On the other hand it will make the game even more unbalanced: for exemple giving cultures with military affinity access to the same roster of units you have will make them extra powerfull. Of course, it would also take away some tension between the choices you have to make about what is your priority (science, building...)

Anyway, we have heard your concerned and we keep trying to find a solution to the feeling you are experiencing.

Have a very nice week


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