City Cap should be dependent on the size of the map/world one are playing, it really does not make sense having the same cap on a tiny or small world as one have on giant or huge world.
It would make city cap mostly meaningless on the smallest maps, and really annoying on the bigger maps especially as on gets to the industrial and modern age where city caps have less and less meaning.
The smallest maps could for example start with a city cap of 1-2, medium 2-3, largest 3-4, and on top of this city cap bonuses from technologies could also be adjusted depending on map size (though that would most likely be harder to implement). The easiest would probably be to adjust the starting city cap to having 1 on the smallest map and +1 for each increase in map size. Even though that would mean the beginning city cap for the largest maps will be somewhat high. In that regard it would be better to implement it through technology research, certain civics and empires.
Also one could have very late tech that can increase your city cap endlessly as long as you fulfill the requirements, for example like in Endless Space 2 where you in the late game get a tech (Cultural Invertics) where you can build an upgrade (autonomous administration) in one of your colonies that will increase you limit by one, but you will also need to have fulfilled the requirements in that colony to build it before you actually can.
As an added idea on top of the above mentioned.
Technologies that makes better communication available (f.ex. telegraph, radio, satelites, internet), could also be used for increasing city caps.
One of the biggest hurdles with larger empires was always the line of communication and the time it would take to communicate from one end to the other, something that the telegraph, telephone, radio, internet and such drastically reduced. Now instead of getting critical news and information weeks or months after it happened, one get it more or less instantly as it happens. This also makes it easier for governments to control their empire, and size does no longer matter as information can reach the other side of the globe in an instant.
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