Something I kinda liked in other Amplitude games was its hero system. They could be that extra boost in scouting party rewards, the city administrator getting those extra yields out of cities, or the MVP lynch-pin to your army. Maybe something similar could be a feature for a future expansion?
I'm kinda thinking that in addition to cultural wonders, you could also redeem a legendary hero/figure of the era with your influence. From there, you could assign them to an army as a commander or to a city as an administrator (maybe give a temp +1 to city cap if assigned as such?) As they gain XP, their skill trees could be something like:
Common/Affinity/Unique(for that historical flair) or Civil/Military/Affinity or something else entirely. In addition, they could come with some more Narrative Events for your empire related to that figure.
I'm in no way suggesting that there be a hero for each affinity in every era, but something like Gilgamesh(Ancient/Aesthete), Attila(Classical/Militarist), Hiawatha(Early Modern/Diplomatic) or Theodore Roosevelt(Contemporary/Expansionist) could be something of starting point.
Legendary Figures/Heroes?

Frozen Spark
2 years ago
Dec 9, 2022, 8:27:40 PM
Updated 13 days ago.
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