currently the save game file name can be up to 100 characters, but typically when you enter more than around 60 characters the rest of the attempted save game file name is erased. this lack of consistency means I have wasted many hours after finding out the save game file name is too long when I then proceeded to create another save game file so as to preserve ALL the characters in the original but truncated save game file name

initially I assumed like all other PC games I have ever played there was a max save game file name character limit, I just did not know what it was. so I created a dummy save game file to keep in the save game file directory whose name was a built in way of determining the current save game file length (I just repeated 0 to 9 over and over up to 100). that is how I know for sure the save game file name max number of characters varies & is not a constant number of characters

all other PC games I have ever played have a save game max character limit when using the user interface, but many also will accept much longer file names to load/save as long as the save game file name was updated manually. this additional feature is also highly desirabe. if not possible the max character limit should then be at least 100 to 120 characters

this not the 1980's. modern computers can handle longer file names. the only problem is that some game designers want to cut corners and arbitrarily set a limit that is convenient for themselves, not their game players