game ideas - influence & stability overhaul

the game designers of HK clearly wanted to make their game different from the civ series of 4x games and the way they have done this is by the use of influence (culture in civ series) and city stability. unfortunately I think they have gone too far and the game is potentially a tedious chore of continually modifying influence and city stability at the expense of any other strategy 

city stability overhaul. instead of the current default system of being forced to madly build garrisons to offset building FIMS districts, the user should have a slider of 0 to 10 regarding how much negative stability FIMS districts generate. similarly a slider to how much negative stability that is generated by a city absorbing/attaching a territory. I personally would turn down the affect to about 20% of the default stability affect because building so many garrisons is just tedium

there should be another game switch turning on/off the possibility of occupied city mutiny (occupied city pop turning into full power units to provide chaos nearby). no stability boosting (or any other) buildings can be built in the occupied city until a forced surrender negotiation gives the occupying empire permanent control of the occupied city. hence penalizing the occupier by spawning full power mutineers to drain occupied city pop is a poison pill that is very hard to swallow and forces the occupying empire to bring more units to defeat the mutineers (in case the city siege severely depleted the number of units defending the occupied city). if the game designers think this idea is too far beyond what they imagine HK to be at least provide a game switch that turns on/off the possibility that an occupied can send out more than one set of mutineers