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Make ruins interesting


2 years ago
Dec 29, 2022, 4:27:48 PM

When getting a new territory, you may have some "ruines" tiles on it. So far, if I understood well, they avoid you to get any production from these tiles until you "clear ruins". Would it be possible to allow us to create some "archeological site" like "natural reserve" to earn some influence for instance? or to imagine any other action that would give us some advantage in keeping the ruins instead of just clear them all?

Updated 5 hours ago.
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2 years ago
Dec 30, 2022, 12:03:57 AM

Support. It would be nice if ruins could be exploited, as a source of influence or science, in some later era than they were created. There could be three options:

  1. the existing one to demolish, in order to be able to build new buildings on top, being completed quickly;
  2. explore, taking a medium amount of time to loot the ruin, earning gold in the process;
  3. build an archeological site, taking the standard time to build districts, where the site produces influence and science per turn.

Demolition would be available at any time, while exploring and building the archaeological site would only be possible in the era following the formation of the ruin. The site's gains in influence could scale as eons passed after creation.

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2 years ago
Jan 4, 2023, 5:12:10 PM

In that case wouldn't it paradoxically give the player more reasons to ransack his own (less useful) districts? It's already extremly easy destroying them (it only takes 1 turn)

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2 years ago
Jan 9, 2023, 3:31:25 AM

you know a territory has ruins if the clear ruins icon appears at the start of your build options. unfortunately you have no idea where they are located. we need a new map mode that shows only ruins tiles in a territory similar to the FIMS overlay that reveals district type by color. OR make ruins a very distinctive color (such as lavender or deep purple) in the current FIMS overlay

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2 years ago
Jul 5, 2023, 7:08:19 PM
A1y0sh4 wrote:

In that case wouldn't it paradoxically give the player more reasons to ransack his own (less useful) districts? It's already extremly easy destroying them (it only takes 1 turn)

But building new districts is expensive and time consuming. If the ruins don't free up adjacent blocks for construction, you'd need to build all the way around, in addition to building a district just to generate a ruin after that and then an archaeological site, it would force you to wait at least an entire era to be able to be used. During all that time, it would be a useless tile hindering the development of the city. I believe it would only be interesting in the case of ruins generated by wars or IPs that disappeared.

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