How many time we have placed a unit in a disadvantageous tile because we have thought that it was of the same elevation of the one where the enemy was standing? It is a very annoying and even not so much rare phenomenon that, eventually, may completly ruin a battle; but how may we avoid it?
Thinking about a solution to this issue, here is what I thought of:
1 - Make possible to rotate the camera
First of all I would like to clarify that this is not an idea of mine since actually the original one is [here].
This would allow the player to change of angle of his vision (litterally) and notice better all the slopes and cliffs.
2 - Improve the battle-mode vision
Colouring the whole tiles of different colours for elevation and "striping" them of other ones for indicating the terrain features that affect CS may help (ex: land tiles may appear darker when closer to the water level and they may have different "details" on then whether they have a forest or a river on it; the tiles adjacent to garrisons should slighty get "painted" of the color of the player they are offering the bonuses). I would even suggest to add the possibility to activate or not the "battle-mode" not just in the game options but also in the game, during or before the battle.
3 - Improve the battle wizard
In a similar way, when selecting a unit of mine and then moving the cursor on an enemy one, it is showed us if a ranged unit is able to attack his target or if its line of sight is blocked, when selecting an enemy unit the game should show us all the possible tiles that would offer a CS bonus and marking with an X the known ones which are already occupied (or something similar).
Note: I kindly remind you that, since 1M pts ideas shall potentially make its addition to the game, an upvote would be really appreciated.
Thank you for your support :)
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