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A way when zoomed out to tell your different cities apart easier?

GUIGame optionsTerritories Management

2 years ago
Jan 24, 2023, 2:10:59 PM

So, I think obviously if they're outlined by default in a dark black line that would make the most sense, when I zoom all the way out, obviously I see the entire continent or whatever I own and it's all blended together and it causes me to have to scroll my mouse over certain sets of territories to find my other cities and it gets pretty ffrustrating and i think if you just always have borders shown, maybe in the options menu to enable it?

Updated 2 months ago.
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2 years ago
Jan 27, 2023, 9:34:44 AM

yes to making borders between territories something other than the current faint dashed WHITE lines that cause endless zooming in and out to find actual territory borders. ideally a user controlled gradient of how dark to make BLACK (not white) territory dividing lines that can be adjusted not only for new games but also after a game has already been created

it would also be extremely useful to add a game switch to ALWAYS display territory names (rather than the current state of the game where territory names only appear on a war resolution screen)

Updated 2 years ago.
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