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2 years ago
Feb 4, 2023, 7:49:22 PM

HUMANKIND has re-named personal belongings since our existence to make them more special to us. A guitar named 'Ellie' or your vehicle named 'Herby'.

I propose that we have the ability to re-name continents/ oceans/ great features in this beautiful world that Amplitude has given us. If this was implemented, the stories the community would tell about their adventures in game would be SO much more fun and interesting to read or hear about. Even exploring would be a great hoot!

- Hmm... What's over those mountains? A great lake named "Cerberus' Dog Bowl"!? My friend must be behind this!

- Competing over control of the eastern sea? Eh; too much effort! But a sea you named after yourself? Come hell or high water, that sea will be mine!

In my mind, it could work like this:

Find it first? You name it and life continues until we can start to hold congress. When it's your turn for congress, you can ask to rename large landmarks in the world and others can vote on it with you. For example, something is called "Chicken Leg" by another player and you think (after your brother nuked it with his missiles) it should be "Fried Chicken Leg" :p

As far as continents go; have a vote after meeting every player on that landmass to decide whose continent name sticks.

I currently name all my cities and armies, and would be ecstatic to see more flavor and personality in our worlds!

Updated 2 days ago.
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2 years ago
Feb 5, 2023, 8:28:34 PM

this would be nice but currently we not even able to see the names of territories (much less rename them) unless on the war resolution screen

so while renaming territories would be great it would be even greater to actually know the CURRENT names of territories

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