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Semiconductors as a New Strategic Resource

MilitaryDiplomacyTechnologiesTrade RoutesEconomy

2 years ago
Feb 7, 2023, 6:30:28 PM

Recently there's been a rhetoric that semiconductors are the most important resource all major powers are struggling over right now, and with real merit too, as semiconductors not only help with science but almost with all aspects of modern society, especially the military, so it feels like a crime not to add them in there don't you think?

Updated 14 days ago.
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2 years ago
Feb 15, 2023, 11:04:26 PM

by expending the contemporary era tech tree or by using one of the existing techs from that era??

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2 years ago
Feb 17, 2023, 6:36:43 AM

It could be a very expensive constructible district (FABS District) that could be unlocked via tech tree (or also an existing tech like automation). Or at the very least it could be a Cultural Wonder, just one well known FAB, the TSMC.

Semiconductors can probably have high Industry and Science bonuses, and securing a trade deal for it should be expensive too, could also replace Aluminium as a requirement for some Era6 Infrastuctures.

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