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Nerf independent people treaties

Independent PeopleMultiplayer

2 years ago
Mar 21, 2023, 10:25:15 PM

when playing against actual people, independent peoples are almost always the deciding factor in a game. If they get access to even one more independent people than you do, they get an eventual 200 science and money boost. I like the idea of independent peoples treaties assisting players who are behind and need a boost, but right now they give players a head start and then continue to boost them throughout the game.

Maybe I'm just missing something, but that is what I have experienced while playing this game.

(Updated in comments)

Updated 9 days ago.
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Need infos

The NEED INFO status is given by the dev team to ideas that have been evaluated as not complete or clear enough to give a relevant feedback.


DEV benblond

status updated 2 years ago

Hey ! 

First, thank you for your feedbacks!

Well normally you should be able to compete for the control of an Independent people an turn them into your favour depending how much you invest in them (sending multiple envoys can also help with their passive bonus)

And according to our data, we can see that IP are switching from hand to hand quite often, which was the intended goal : create competition between players

But maybe there is something else to do to avoid the snowballing effect you're describing.

Have a very nice day



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Need infos

The NEED INFO status is given by the dev team to ideas that have been evaluated as not complete or clear enough to give a relevant feedback.


DEV benblond

status updated 2 years ago

Hey ! 

First, thank you for your feedbacks!

Well normally you should be able to compete for the control of an Independent people an turn them into your favour depending how much you invest in them (sending multiple envoys can also help with their passive bonus)

And according to our data, we can see that IP are switching from hand to hand quite often, which was the intended goal : create competition between players

But maybe there is something else to do to avoid the snowballing effect you're describing.

Have a very nice day


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2 years ago
Mar 31, 2023, 8:26:30 PM

To be fair, I do typically play with a lot of continents, delaying the time between meeting the other players. So this problem most likely isn't as prevalent in games with fewer continents or smaller maps. Maybe implementing some sort of setting where you can choose what eras independent peoples will start spawning could reduce the chances of this problem happening.

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