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2 years ago
May 1, 2023, 8:00:16 AM

Northern America doesn’t have a lot of cultures in the game. North America has Americans, Haudenosaunee, Mexicans, and Mississippians in the base game.

With some research, I suggest the Adena Culture for the Ancient Era, Hopewell Culture for the Classical Era, Anasazi Culture for the Medieval Era, Oceti Sakowin Culture for the Early Modern Era, Lakota Culture for the Industrial Era, and Canada Culture for the Contemporary Era. There are some amazing Wonders for example: Giant Serpent Mound, Paha Sapa, Mato Tipila, and so on…

Thank you for listening to my request 

Updated 14 days ago.
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2 years ago
May 2, 2023, 6:21:41 AM

As a Canadian, I feel like I'd have a shot at having some ideas about the Canadian culture.
The CN tower could be a neat contemporary wonder. As it's a radio tower meant to cover the Toronto area, it could provide stability/culture bonuses of some sort.
Natural wonders could include the Hopewell rocks, or pretty much any moutain in Northern BC/ Yukon (place is beautiful in the summer, my friends tell me), or the Bay of Fundy. Our counrty is huge though, so do some reasearch! Lots of nice places out there, assuming the resource companies didn't get to em yet.
What else... I'm not sure what exact 'type' of culture Canada would be, but I do know a few things: Our country is a former british colony. We have an economy pretty focused on extracting natural resources and selling them to others, so a bonus to trading could be a thing. We have a vast country, with a whole lot of just, wilds. But we still (somehow) deal with it. This could translate to some gimmick involving the creation and use of outposts. Maybe you can do some limited building on outposts? The cold tundra won't stop those diamond miners, that's for sure. Ever look at military history? There are many sections of the geneva convention that are there due to the actions of Canadian soldiers during the first world war (or so I hear), and then there's vimy ridge, and getting the furtherst in at the end of the day on d day, etc... maybe Canadian military units could be more effective against an enemy who your ally is at war with? What else... you could take inspiration from Civ. Bonuses to deal with cold biomes and tiles, bonuses for aiding allies in their times of need, being immune to suprise wars,... lots of possibilities!
Overall, I think Canada should be a culture mostly focused on allies and such, with some other fluff and gimmicks to go with it.
A good unique building could be a sugar shack. Counts as a farmers quarter, more effective near woods tiles, has influence and food bonuses, and maybe a little money bonus too.
Alternatively, a hockey rink. Counts as common quarter, Stability and influence bonuses. Plays well with the outpost thing, stability to help turn those outposts into city regions.
Unique unit? Good question. Mounties seem more like an industrial era thing, so maybe... The Avro Arrow? They were going to be interceptors, so... Fighter jet with bonuses to patrolling. Patrols further, and more effective intercepts. Would play well with the whole outpost thing, you can keep a close eye on them with patrol focused aircraft.
Not sure what else to add, really. More might come to me.

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a year ago
Dec 10, 2023, 4:55:40 PM

Wow. This cultural pack will be amazing big update. Cant wait for the developer's responses.

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